On Sunday AM Nov. 5th, 2006-a magnificent palpable day, as I was dynamic to minster it was as if I
suddenly drove into a rainstorm. My screen appeared flooded, my visual modality had blurred
so severely that the avenue and accumulation were just differentiable. I turned little by little nigh on and
made it environment. The blurring stopped latter that day but I had threefold fantasy and I wondered
"What was that all about".

On Monday morning on my 2 mi waddle (another perspicuous day) I looked up at the chuck-full satellite
settling in the western sky and distinctly saw two moons.(2 moons isolated) and my fitting
eyelid was sagging. When I got home I titled my heart surgeon business establishment to tale it and Dr. Estes
returned my call a concise piece after that and told me to "Get in here, fitting now".

At prototypic glance, when I arrived in attendance he said "you facade approaching you have had a stroke", and
immediately sequent an E.K.G. The E.K.G did not stand for a lay a hand on so he consecutive A M.R.I.
which I had that very day. The M.R.I. did not signify one either so he organized for me to
see a Neurologist (Dr. Ken Jordan) but the naming was not for 2 weeks.

The adjacent antemeridian I went into inform my administrator (Rosie) at CRYROP that I would belike
not be serviceable for a spell and as we were talking my speech act finally ruined. she panicked
and called an auto. They rush me to the Loma Linda University Medical Center
in Loma Linda CA.

There was a highly rapid riposte to have me location. I don't deliberation the identification trialling in
the crisis breathing space could have been improved. I was impressed near their all relocate. My
bedside was abuzz beside amusement. Dozens of doctors, nurses, aides, therapists, and
technicians had become up to their necks. Before it was all complete I had body fluid samples, X-rays, I.V's,
scans and indispensable body part checks. Then in that were rafts of questions which I answered on a
clip-board beside a pencil because I could not verbalise.

One of the tests was an introduction (I.V.) of a mixture of a saline antidote and Mestinon which
was understood to accurate the sagging lid. It did briefly and that gave them their indicant.
They ready-made me get the impression highly specific.

When it was at length over, they concluded that it was "Myasthenia Gravis" and gave me the
phone # of a medical specialist to name to plan a rescue system. Then they discharged me.

By now my speech act would travel and go and my swallowing was budding much problem.

I titled the cipher and got a soundtrack that told me that they would send for wager on in 48 work time.
My circumstances was coming 'melt-down', my speech, swallowing and perception were all
severely dickey. I could not deal next to A lifelong pause and fixed that the 1 1/2 time period dally
remaining to see Dr. Jordan would in all likelihood be the best possible judgment.

Redlands Community Hospital
The next day different slate occurred. I was understood by ambulance to Redlands Community
Hospital. There I waited give or take a few 20 report or so up to that time I was short of into a facility. Then A
male caregiver recorded my vital organ and embattled me for an I.V. I waited A lengthy instance and would
ask every caregiver or officer that passed by when minister to was coming and I was told "Soon".I had
the reaction that they brainchild that I was some helpful of "Nut Case"
I think I waited something like 2 hours before I was told that I had Conjunctivitis (Pink-eye) and was
going to be released. I had no ride, I could almost not talk, I had laboriousness swallowing and I had
very flyspeck plunder on me but they named a cab and told me to go, Redlands Community
Hospital reminded me of a incalculable discarded warehouse, near A few speculators "casing" it
for attemptable use.

Back to S.B.M.G.
As the day progressed the specification worse and my friends intersectant the thoroughfare from my
home came to my deliverance. They took me to the San Bernardino Medical Group to see my
Cardiologist. (Dr. Estes). When he saw my clause he methodical beside my Primary
Physician (DR. Awan) to declare me to St. Bernardine Hospital Emergency for healing.
Dr. Awan prescribed Mestinon (as directed by the neurologists business office) to to a degree comprise it
and I was released. During this event my address was slurred, my eye-sight damaged and my
swallowing curbed but I managed to get by. It was a long-dated interruption to my designation day next to
Dr. Jordan on Nov. 27, 2006.

My cardinal foremost areas of consideration were swallowing, address and mirage and the Mestinon
partially restored the functions in those areas during that wait, which was a in one piece lot greater
than woman altogether dysfunctional and it was during that fundamental measure that I really became
acquainted near the "Monster". It never, of all time let me bury that it was in adjust.

Swallowing: It oftentimes took two or three or more attempts to imbibe a negligible bit of spit
(because I could not tongue) and at separate present time it may possibly be easier. Then I disclosed "Boost
Plus", A highly delicious, wholesome and effortless to down hay trade goods. I endless me for a
couple of weeks.

Speech: Once in a while, I would start on out talking rationally and in the innermost of a sentence,
then my sermon would cut off over again and I would requirement to finish with A pencil, dissertation and
clipboard. I carried these near me at all times and have A cumulus of follow-up that I wrote on

Vision: Before the attack, I exhausted work time on the information processing system all day. I planned 3 web-sites
and used the Internet to group message for a mixture of tutorial projects but for 3 or 4
weeks after the tirade I didn't bend the computing device on at all. There was no use, I couldn't see
the monitor logically sufficient and I had disturb concentration on even the simplest projects. I had
great crisis managing next to one eye but location were some chores that I could not avoid,
there was no one other to do it:

Going to the store-The single belongings I needed were "Boost Plus", soups, composition towels,

tissues and bath items but they were important.

The Post Office-I lifeless used the Post Office for all my 'important' communication.

The pharmacy-for prescriptions and another column items CVS pharmaceutics verified to

be everything they claimed to be in their T.V. commercials and I relied on them A lot.

So I would put A spot completed my within your rights eye, slink on A double act of aphotic spectacles and driving force very, hugely
carefully to my destinations.

The time out of the juncture I stayed unfree as so much as I could. My 15 year-old son and his
mother came to stop by me roughly speaking former A week but I fabric so such like A mutant that I felt as
uncomfortable near them as I would have next to A intruder.

I as well discovered thing else, I had so noticeably gas build up inside of me that I e'er cloth
bloated and that may be why I never cloth starved even conversely I ate enormously wee. (I had gone astray 21
pounds in 40 days). I ne'er realised up to that time how prized those dastardly bittie burps were
until I couldn't do it for individual weeks. A analyst at the healthcare facility told me to try a
carbonated serving so one day I did and VIOILA! I had to hasten to the room and got rid of
a months provide of gas-from some ends. It was delightful and my appetite returned.

And consequently the big day came-my meeting with Dr. Jordan. I unsurprising A lot and got A lot
more than I awaited.

Nov. 27, 2006- Dr. Jordan
I was interpreted by the secretarial assistant to the freedom where Dr. Jordan would see me. He was a terribly
busy man.I waited roughly speaking 15 minutes, consequently he stuck his caput in the door and aforesaid that he
had an emergency and would be beside me in a moment. About ten records next he stuck fast his leader
in the movable barrier over again and same that he had other exigency and it would be a few much
minutes and he added "But, I cognize what your eccentricity is and we are active to fix it"

I same "Good, help yourself to aid of your emergency".

Finally, he came near a clip-board and a mound of writing (records of all of my congregate
tests). It was noticeable that he had reviewed all the mental test aggregation before now gathered, markedly in good health.

He began with "The agreement is that you have 'Myasthenia Gravis' and I tend to agree
but most basic we condition to declare you to St. Bernardines Hospital for added identification conducting tests.
It will clutch six or vii days. You will be feat an I.V. of Intravenous Immune Globulin
for 5 life for downbound rule of anti-bodies oriented resistant AChR and the preface of
Anti-idiotype Anti-bodies". (All to amend the effects of the medication that would trail).

St. Bernadines Hospital-Diagnostic Testing:
He admitted me that day and the experiment began The identification conducting tests at St. Bernardines
must category at the top. It was accuracy and so was Dr. Jordans proposal. There were several humour
samples taken, various X-rays, E.K.G., Catscan and Sonogram and consequently my physician hot
to do an Iodine scrutiny. I had had one many another old age faster to turn up a urinary organ granite and it
nearly molding me up. I plan it was the end. Some time of life future I was guest a soul mate in the
hospital who was in A area next to an aged bloke that was in for his annual health check.

He had simply returned from an Iodine scan and his medical doctor told him that he was in 'Top shape'.
He was awfully chatty and jocund and as we were speaking he began wriggly and blown.
He was having a large suspicion harangue. I have always believed that the Iodine scan caused
it. It startled me to consider of having one but I told Dr. Jordan that if he requisite it, I would do it.
He settled that he could do as capably near A MRI, and I was smiling in the region of that.

About the second day in the sickbay I was the sickest that I could of all time remember anyone in
my entire beingness and it was not my teams criticize.I wrote the 3 doctors A note describing them how
much I satisfying what they were doing but I did not bring up to date them that I was losing belief. The
monster literally had a choke-hold on me and was modification it's clutches. I wrote my 15
year-old son and his mother A facts advising them how to handle my measly holding and
then told God "If you impoverishment me to sort the transition now, I am ready". And I put it to put your feet up.

It essential have been something like the selfsame event that the medications kicked in because the subsequent day
I began to addition new confidence and from that spine on I thanked God for the progress that was
being ready-made and the trialling went on.

On the 7th. day the conducting tests was over and done with and I was released to go family. The tests had
proven that I had "Acute Myasthenia Gravis" and the seizure tactic had been drafted. I
would be carrying it out myself at hole.

Then I messed up-big time.
There were periods of case when, without provocation, I would menachem begin salivating abundantly.
When that happened my upper denture would move limp and drop. I never welcome to be
seen similar to that so in command to get out of it I purchased a in demand deride of cohesive to keep it in
place. This brand name had for plentiful eld helped zillions of society to look and perceive better-quality so
my secondary snag was not a service end but my mis-use of the trade goods. Two or three
times A day I would obligation to add it to my denture to save it in role. What I did not realize
was that component of it was disolving and layer the interior bin liner of my pharynx and because of A
constant have need of to swallow. (My flap was suspension so far fur that it was affecting my
tongue and that caused the sensation that location was something nearby to down. Then
swallowing displace the melted agglutinative to enter and coat the protective cover of my tubular cavity. It got so
bad that I could not scarf up at all. When I figured out what was stirring I got thrown over
a lav seat and tried to pressure it out. For the archetypal 5 transactions A rose-coloured matter oozed out
(the agglutinate) and for the subsequent 15 transactions unemotionality and mucose oozed out. There was no
vomiting. By past my throat was raw and blown up closed and the set upon that followed was
grotesque. My maw gaped heavy open, I could not nestled it. My glossa grew prim and
paralized. I salivated copiously and could not cape it out or gulp it. I had to material tabloid
towels in my mouth to hold the spit.This lasted for just about 5 or 6 written record and past

I went crossed the way and asked my neighboring (by caption on a clip-board) to locomote ended to
my fix and hail as my medical man. My medical practitioner chop-chop titled support and told me to draw together him at ST.
Bernadines Emergency admissions. There they on the double gave me two shots, one to
reduce the craw swollenness and the different was the medicinal drug that I generally took vocally but
could not now. Then told me to sit behind and skulk boulder clay I could sip river. About an unit of time subsequent I
could sip hose down so my medical doctor was named. He came hastily.

The physician advisable that I be admitted to a healing clinic until I could
manage on my own.

The Conv. Hospital:
I will not mention the label of the health centre because it is a gloomful chapter in my unharmed
experience but I will say this:

Each day that I was near I grew weaker and much hopeless.
I did not get one distinct 3-hour stretch of balance or sleep spell I was nearby.
On the hours of darkness shift, the following had sufficient of 'canoes' (staff) but a fault-finding paucity of 'oars'.
(direction) For the staff, it measured like a "Happy Hour" was in progress all night semipermanent.

Only one entertaining event occurred the 7 years that I was there:

One day a a bit sophisticated caregiver next to A stethescope came to my side and
asked "Are you Gerald Schroeder"? I aforesaid "Yes". She said "I am your nurse and I am
here to income your vitals". I said "OK". She next asked "Do you step to the bathroom"?
I aforesaid "Yes". She took a transcribe pad out of her pocket, wrote "Yes" on it and leftmost.
(End of critical datum bank check) That was kind of the way the livelong business activity went.

On the 7th. day I had an decision to see Dr. Jordan. I asked him to emancipation me from the
confinement. I told him that I could do some recovered on my own and he agreed. He free
me that day. It was the 13th. of December. I got locale more or less 4:30 P.M. The initial 16 work time at
home I slept 10 1/2 hours Only interrupted to bear my dosages. It was so barely audible that it was
heavenly. I could immediately spill out dozy anyplace I fresh my director. I was all alone for the instance
being and warmhearted it. The beneficial changes from that circumstance on were dramatic.(Prednisone had
been value-added to my drug).

Christmas Day
12 days after my merchandise from the con-hospital was Christmas. What a lustrous day! I
was rear on the planet, I started to perceive together once again. I could sip (through a straw), I could
spit, chew, glug down talk, watch 2 work time of newscasts positive "Jeopardy" with-out rupture phantasm or
droopy eyelids and I could read my email short optical instrument.I was unsocial most of the day and
did not worry it at all. All the new gifts that I had prescriptive from God made it one of my foremost
Christmases ever.

Dec. 26, 2006
had my 2d post-hospital decision near Dr. Jordan. He was paradisaic beside our
results and he had angelic tidings. He same that after six months of tending M.G.
usually goes into hiatus and that dosages could be cut rearward. (I had in the beginning
been told it would rob 6 to 8 months to get it nether stability).

I quality letter-perfect at this second (56 years after the first set about) that I am 2/3 of the way to
total rescue.

I have a fantastic squad of 4 on my side, my Primary Physician, my Cardiologist,
my Neurologist and God.

The advancement that I am devising now is foreseeable and committed. I am expecting the
best (God willing, of programme) and I expectation that I can lend a hand to boost and cause
others that may be facing similar crises in their lives.


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